
30 Minutes to Live

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But we never can prove

the delights of His love

Until all on the altar we lay;

For the favor He shows, 

for the joy He bestows, 

Are for them who will trust and obey. 

—John H. Sammis 

Many years ago I heard a story about a handsome young man, who told his friends that he was not ready to give his life to Jesus. The young man was kind but adamant, “I believe Jesus is real, but I’m just not ready to give my life to Him.” 

Later that same day, the young man was in a terrible accident and died instantly. Whatever this man held onto, which kept him from giving his life to Jesus, died instantly with him. 

Now, I cannot say exactly how God judges people or what went through this man’s mind after what he said, but this story stayed with me throughout my life. 

We do not know when our lives will end. 

More recently I was talking with a close friend about surrendering our lives to God, and she said to me, “I like… what I’m doing.” 

I took this to mean “things” and activities that may be outside of God’s will, or worldly things. 

I answered that things on earth will always pass away but Jesus gives life that will last. Although I know this is not very convincing for those who have not experienced God’s goodness, I urge you to consider the man I write about— who died instantly many years ago. Life on earth can pass at any moment, and with it— any worldly thing you possess. Our lives on earth are so temporary.

Jesus promised eternal life for those who love Him. When life becomes hard, as it always does, we have this promise to hold onto. 

When we are not “all in” for Christ, we will be easily used by the adversary – the devil. Believe it or not, the adversary is everywhere and he delights in hiding so he can easily manipulate us and our lives. Many worldly “things” that give temporary pleasure, are really schemes of the devil to pull us to hell. These things cause us to question if we should give our lives to Christ. However, Jesus Christ is the only way to life.

Therefore, I want to encourage everyone I know to become an empty vessel for God to use. Otherwise, the devil will manipulate us to further his goals, if even in small ways. 

Above I wrote the verse to the hymn: Trust and Obey. The joy of God is so great and you will feel it when you lay your life on the altar for Him. This simply means giving your life to Him, not to give up who you are, but to let Him transform you into the best you can be. (Who you were really meant to be). In exchange for your weariness, you will gain His rest. There is nothing of true value you could possibly lose by giving your life to Jesus. 

What can be better than having a God who is willing to help us in every detail of life? 

Become an empty vessel for God, dedicate your life to Him, to prayer (a relationship with Him) and to studying the Bible and you will feel His joy! 

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